Find the perfect vacation home in Queens - Casamundo base64Hash Find the perfect vacation home in Queens - Casamundo

Find the perfect vacation home in Queens

1 guest
1 guest
64 accommodations available
174 reviews
174 travelers who stayed in Queens gave their vacation rental an average rating of 4/5 stars.

Frequently asked questions

What are the most popular accommodations in the area?

The most popular accommodation types in Queens are apartment rental and house rentals. With 64 accommodations in Queens, the perfect vacation home is only one click away.

How much does it cost to stay the night?

Prices start at just €16 per night. Most house rentals in Queens are 48 m² and apartment rental are 91 m².

Do you offer pet-friendly apartment rental in Queens?

We have the perfect options for you and your furry companions. Apartment rental are the most pet-friendly accommodations in Queens with an average price of €347 per night.

Do you offer accommodations for traveling with a group?

Yes, we definitely have accommodations for groups in Queens. On average, the apartment rental has space for 6 guests.

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