Recommended vacation rentals in Hood River
Find your perfect vacation rental in Hood River from just €101 per night!
Best Vacation Home Deals in Hood River
Save up to 72%
Vacation rentals and apartments with air conditioning
Cool comfort in Hood River: Choose a vacation rental with air conditioning - book your stay!
What are the most popular accommodations in the area?
The most popular accommodation types in Hood River are house rentals and condo. With 239 accommodations in Hood River, the perfect vacation home is only one click away.
How much does it cost to stay the night?
With Casamundo you can find rentals in Hood River starting at €101 - On average, you will stay in a 117 m² (Condo) or a 183 m² (House rentals).
Do you offer pet-friendly house rentals in Hood River?
We have the perfect options for you and your furry companions. Cottage are the most pet-friendly accommodations in Hood River with an average price of €317 per night.
Do you offer accommodations for traveling with a group?
For your vacation in Hood River, we do offer accommodations for groups. The typical house rentals has space for 6 guests.
Price and Availability Index in Hood River
Vacation Rental Price Information in Hood River
We analyzed the prices and displayed them into this graph to show you the vacation rental prices for the next twelve months in Hood River. In the month of October (18/10 – 25/10), accommodation prices will be at their lowest at €245 per night. The most expensive month to visit Hood River within the next year is July (12/07 – 19/07).
Rental availability information in Hood River
This graph shows the degree of availability for vacation rentals in Hood River over the upcoming year. The most challenging time to find a vacation rental in the next twelve months is in September. More accommodations are available in July (19/07 – 26/07). Don`t wait too long and book now your favourite holiday rental at your preferred travel time!
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