Recommended vacation rentals in Marrakesh
Find your perfect vacation rental in Marrakesh from just €33 per night!
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Vacation rentals and apartments with air conditioning
Cool comfort in Marrakesh: Choose a vacation rental with air conditioning - book your stay!
What are the most popular accommodations in the area?
The most in-demand accommodations in Marrakesh are apartment rental and bed and breakfast rental. With 965 offers in Marrakesh, we always find the perfect accommodation for you.
How much does it cost to stay the night?
With Casamundo, you will find vacation rentals starting from €33 in Marrakesh. On average, accommodations in Marrakesh will have a size of 39 m² (Bed and breakfast rental) and 87 m² (Apartment rental).
Do you offer pet-friendly apartment rental in Marrakesh?
If you are traveling with your pet, we have the perfect solution: Apartment rental are the most pet-friendly accommodations in Marrakesh. On average a pet-friendly rental costs €1,143 per night.
Do you offer accommodations for traveling with a group?
We can help you find accommodations in Marrakesh for a group. On average, the apartment rental has space for 5 guests.
Price and Availability Index in Marrakesh
Vacation Rental Price Information in Marrakesh
We analyzed the prices and displayed them into this graph to show you the vacation rental prices for the next year in Marrakesh. In May (24/05 – 31/05), nightly prices will hit an average low of €156. The most expensive time of the year for a Marrakesh holiday is November (08/11 – 15/11).
Rental availability information in Marrakesh
This graph shows the degree of availability for vacation rentals in Marrakesh over the next twelve months. The most challenging month to find a rental in the next year is in October (04/10 – 11/10). The highest availability is in January. Book now to find your perfect holiday rental!