Recommended vacation rentals in Saxony
Find your perfect vacation rental in Saxony from just €47 per night!
Best Vacation Home Deals in Saxony
Save up to 28%
Homes and Cabins With Sauna
Unwind and relax: Book your Saxony vacation rental with a sauna!
Vacation Homes With Fireplaces
Cozy retreat: Snuggle up in your Saxony vacation rental with a warm fireplace - reserve now!
What are the most popular accommodations in the area?
The most in-demand accommodations in Saxony are apartment rental and house rentals. With 2,162 offers in Saxony, we always find the perfect accommodation for you.
How much does it cost to stay the night?
With Casamundo you can find rentals in Saxony starting at €47 - On average, you will stay in a 99 m² (House rentals) or a 61 m² (Apartment rental).
Do you offer pet-friendly apartment rental in Saxony?
If you are traveling with your pet, we have the perfect solution: Apartment rental are the most pet-friendly accommodations in Saxony. On average a pet-friendly rental costs €138 per night.
Do you offer accommodations for traveling with a group?
Yes, we definitely have accommodations for groups in Saxony. On average, the apartment rental has space for 4 guests.
Price and Availability Index in Saxony
Vacation Rental Price Information in Saxony
We analyzed the prices and displayed them into this graph to show you the vacation rental prices for the next twelve months in Saxony. In the month of January (03/01 – 10/01), nightly prices will hit an average low of €101. The most expensive time of the year for a Saxony holiday is May (31/05 – 07/06).
Rental availability information in Saxony
This graph shows the availability rate for vacation rentals in Saxony over the next year. The most challenging month to find a rental in the next year is in August (23/08 – 30/08). The highest availability is in January. Don`t wait too long and book now your favourite holiday rental at your preferred travel time!
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